2020 election choice?

Mathew A
5 min readFeb 29, 2020

What to do in the coming election

Photo by Letizia Bordoni on Unsplash

I’m sure like many of you I’m not totally happy with our choices in the coming presidential election. I am a Republican, but haven’t voted for the Republican nominee for president since Bush in 2004. I lean right on many issues, libertarian on some, and even liberal on a few. My general philosophy is that I want a government that operates within the bounds of the constitution based on limited enumerated powers (ie the powers should be spelled out in the constitution). I do think there is a roll for limited and effective government in our lives. But I think the chief roll of the government should be to protect our liberty, and stay out of our wallets and bedrooms. I don’t need or want a nanny state government to run my life for me, or try and protect me from myself.

A Brief overview of my political views

On spending I’m fairly conservative/libertarian. I want a government that lives within its means. I think deficit spending should generally be limited to long term things like infrastructure spending, or short term emergencies like a war. I’m ok with government spending to boost the economy in a recession “IF” that spending it then paid back when times are good (which never seems to occur anymore). But either way, I think current voters should be forced to pay for the spending they want. You can’t have low taxes, and high…



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